
Thanks for checking out my stuff!

Hi, I'm Elspeth. After studying Art History and Visual Arts at the University of Chicago, teaching English abroad in Japan, and working in education for a few years, I re-realized something I've always known about myself: I need to be creative in my work. My "a-ha" moment was in 2015, when a tarot card reader at my friend's bridal shower told me that I gave her a "strange, diagonal energy" and that I was "put on this earth to share my creativity." I guess my mom had been saying the same thing too for most of my life, sans the whole bit about diagonal energy. The timing of this reading was pretty uncanny as I was debating about registering for my first graphic design class. That night, I did. And since then, I've been pursuing my dream of being an artist and graphic designer. I'm currently finishing up my professional certificate program in graphic design at UC Berkeley Extension, through which most of these portfolio pieces were created.

Self Portrait

Completed coursework: Graphic Design Studio I, InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, Typography Fundamentals and Web Design with Dreamweaver.

Inspired by: teal, color block, Japanese woodblock prints, Vienna Sessionism, street art, Yasumasa Morimura, x-rays, Adrian Frutiger's type designs, Copic markers, gradients, Amedeo Modigliani, Huichol yarn paintings, letter press, Swoon, the Mission in San Francisco, Chicago's architecture and loads more.

What I Do

Skills + Thrills

Collaborative Ideation





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